
Over 20 years of successful Technical solutions

Experts in systems that facilitate supply chain integration and secure  import/export of cargo to and from the United States

About Us

Our Experience

Experts in  custom development and end-to-end system integration using the following technologies :

  • Java-based frameworks 
  • Open-source technologies
  • Cloud-based development
  • End-to-end integration
  • Networks and systems security
  • Database and warehouse technology

Our Approach

Our service includes  custom systems development and end-to-end system integration using the following technologies. We start with comprehensive evaluation of your project needs that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We commit to offering you a clear plan  that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. 

Why Us?

We are focused on end-to-end solutions for the Federal Government. Especially in areas of supply chain technology, polices and procedures, systems to facilitate import and export of cargo